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References and testimonials

Whether large events with over 2,000 participants or meetings with up to 1,500 delegates - Bern is the ideal destination for events of all kinds. The diverse venues, countless options for supporting programmes and the central location in the heart of Switzerland inspire both guests and organisers. This is what our customers say about us.

An audience applauds, immersed in the contented atmosphere of an event. In the centre, a young man smiles in appreciation of the performance.


Anyone who thought that a sporting event would just pop up in a city was mistaken. The bid and therefore the awarding of a major sporting event is preceded by years of work, lots of clarifications and discussions with associations. The Bern Convention Bureau supports and connects players and stakeholders and thus helps to attract attractive sporting events to Bern. Well-maintained infrastructure, good transport links and sporting expertise make Bern the ideal venue for major sporting events.

Climbing & Paraclimbing World Championships 2023

For the third time, Switzerland will host the "who's who" of the global climbing scene: the IFSC Climbing & Paraclimbing World Championships took place in Bern from 2 to 13 August 2023. Together with the Swiss Alpine Club SAC and the two World Cup organisers Meiringen and Villars, Bern Welcome won the bid, beating South Korea and China. Competitions in the disciplines of bouldering, lead climbing and speed climbing were held in the PostFinance Arena over eleven days.

“Bern is a sports city - and therefore the ideal venue for major events. On the other hand, Bern is internationally renowned as the capital of Switzerland, is beautiful, centrally located and offers many opportunities for supporting programmes as a destination.”
Martin Rhyner, Managing Director Sport Climbing World Championships 2023

EuroGames 2023

Four days full of sport and excitement for more diversity and inclusion: the EuroGames are a multi-sport event that focuses on diversity and inclusion. Organised by the European Gay and Lesbian Federation, the event has been held in a different European city every year for almost 30 years. The coveted medals are contested in various disciplines, from badminton to floorball and athletics. Around 3,000 participants are expected to take part. As the host of this sporting highlight in 2023, the city and region of Bern should set an example for acceptance. The Bern Convention Bureau of Bern Welcome has contributed to the success of the bid with its commitment.

“Bern Welcome actively supported us in our bid for the EuroGames 2023 Bern and opened all the necessary doors for us. We were met with a sympathetic ear and a wealth of experience for all our concerns. This enabled us to put together a successful bid dossier. Thank you very much for that.”
Thomas Künzi, co-organiser of EuroGames 2023

Congresses & trade fairs

Whether education, life sciences, sustainability, finance, digital networking or sport - the federal city has numerous innovative fields of expertise. But what are the benefits of organising an event in Bern? Here, former customers - including repeat organisers - reveal which events have already taken place in Bern, how the city and region have proven themselves and how the Bern Convention Bureau has supported them.

Swiss Skills 2022

“Dank der vielfältigen Auswahl an Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten in der Stadt Bern und der professionellen Unterstützung durch Bern Welcome fanden sowohl Teilnehmende, Expert:innen, Ausstellende, Mitarbeitende, Medienschaffende als auch Besuchende das passende Angebot. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Bern Welcome war sehr unkompliziert und angenehm; wir konnten während des ganzen Projektes auf grosse Flexibilität und Kompetenz zählen. Sollte auch die nächste Austragung der SwissSkills in Bern stattfinden, würden wir uns über eine erneute Kooperation freuen.”
Michèle Gerber, Projektmitarbeiterin SwissSkills Bern

10th International Conference on Canine and Feline Genetics and Genomics

“Die Organisation der 10th International Conference on Canine and Feline Genetics and Genomics durch Bern Welcome hat wunderbar geklappt. Ich erhielt eine äusserst kompetente Beratung und konnte mir ganz spezifische Dienstleistungen heraussuchen. Der Kongress war ein voller Erfolg und alle Rückmeldungen der Teilnehmenden waren äusserst positiv. Ich werde gerne in Zukunft wieder die Dienstleistungen von Bern Welcome in Anspruch nehmen.”
Prof. Tosso Leeb, Vet Suisse

Stromkongress Electrosuisse

“Bern Welcome nimmt mir jedes Jahr aufs Neue beim Schweizerischen Stromkongress ein grosses Stück Arbeit ab. Es hat einfach funktioniert. Ich musste mir nie Sorgen machen, dass unsere Teilnehmenden kein Bett in Bern finden. Die Zusammenarbeit war stets unkompliziert und wir sind mit dem Service sehr zufrieden. Ich kann das Bern Convention Bureau weiterempfehlen.”
Lisa Obriest, Projektleiterin Electrosuisse

CORLAS Meeting 2019

“Im August 2019 haben wir das CORLAS Meeting mit rund 290 nationalen- und internationalen Teilnehmenden in Bern organisiert und durchgeführt. Bern Welcome war verantwortlich für die Verwaltung der Hotelzimmerkontingente und die Koordination der Zimmerreservationen, was uns sehr entlastet hat. Dank der Unterstützung vom Bern Convention Bureau konnten wir nebst dem Kongressprogramm attraktive Aktivitäten anbieten. Die Kongressteilnehmenden hatten die Möglichkeit, die Bundesstadt mit den City Guides von Bern Welcome zu entdecken. Wir freuen uns auf weitere gemeinsame Projekte.”
Renate Aeberhard, Projektmitarbeiterin Event- und Kongressorganisation

Hybrid Events

The integration of digital solutions has become an important part of many major events. Thanks to professional infrastructures, local expertise and smooth interaction between the competent players, Bern is also a suitable venue in this area.

“Was Bern so spannend für hybride Events macht? Ein gutes Netzwerk an Technikpartner:innen, erfahrenen Firmen und Venues, die Lage im Herzen der Schweiz, kurze Reisewege, die Zweisprachigkeit, eine unglaublich attraktive Destination und sympathische Menschen.”
Brian Ruchti, Berner Event-Experte & CEO von Newsroom Communication

Virtual and hybrid events

A physical meeting with company representatives in different countries is too expensive or not possible? The pandemic has shown that virtual and hybrid events can also be effective and emotionally gripping if they are organised correctly. Bern has the right infrastructure for this.

Virtual Site Inspection

Heard a lot about Bern but haven't seen much yet? Then let's go on the virtual site inspection of Switzerland Tourism. Click on the video below to get started.