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Three stylish soap dispensers from Blubb, labelled "Shower for Bernese Gièle" and "Shampoo for Bernese Gringe", convey a clean and well-groomed feeling.
Elegantly packaged soaps from Blubb, whose aesthetic boxes are decorated with plant motifs, promise a natural and sensual care experience.
A gift box from Blubb full of red bear soaps, lovingly packaged - a charming and fragrant gift that will bring joy.

«bblubb», Bern’s Soap Manufacturer

As well as its exclusive “Bern Seifen" (Bern Soaps), soap manufacturer "Die Seifenmanufaktur bblubb" also makes a wide range of other soap products such as the patented “Bergkristall” (Mountain Crystal) – a souvenir and a memory of the Swiss mountains.

Useful information

  • City of Bern
  • Fragrances and cosmetics

The flagship products are of course the “Bern Seifen” (Bern Soaps). The key flagship is the original “Bärner Bär" (Bern Bear), and Switzerland’s first buffalo milk soap the “Bärner Büffu" (Bern Buffalo).

Upon request, the soap manufacturer also designs and manufactures soaps for museums, companies, and advertising agencies, as giveaways, guest soaps, or customer gifts.


«bblubb», Bern’s Soap Manufacturer
Hallerstrasse 6
3012 Bern

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