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About IBWD & Contact

The International Bern Welcome Desk (IBWD) is the official contact and liaison centre for the international community based in Bern. You and your family are our top priority. Whether you have questions about accommodation, the authorities, work, education or cultural and leisure activities, we provide neutral, personalised advice free of charge and in several languages.

Dawn settles over Bern and bathes the city in a soft light, while wafts of mist enchant the picturesque scene around the cathedral and the historic buildings.


The International Bern Welcome Desk is the contact and liaison centre for the international community based in Bern, and the point of contact for stakeholders in and around Bern who have dealings with the international community. Through its public mandate and its function as a hub, the International Bern Welcome Desk contributes to Bern's attractiveness as a political, economic and tourist location.


We welcome, accompany and inspire the international community in Bern.

Official Partners

The International Bern Welcome Desk was set up by the Swiss Confederation, the Canton and the City of Bern. The official contact and liaison office for the international community is affiliated with the DMO Bern Welcome. In this way, synergies can be utilised and added value generated for Bern and its regions. Together we bring the Bernese way of life to life!

The services of the International Bern Welcome Desk are only possible thanks to the support of the official partners and beneficiaries.

What we offer

  • Advice

    Free & neutral advice for you and your family

  • Network

    Networking with the authorities and industry

  • Activities

    Events & activities to get to know the local culture

Do you have questions?

We are here for you!

Portrait Rebekka Gfeller
Rebekka Gfeller
Head of International Bern Welcome Desk
Portrait Marie-Louise Görner
Marie-Louise Görner
Trainee International Bern Welcome Desk

“Great job by the International Bern Welcome Desk! The staff is professional and eager to assist. Their logistic support has helped us locate appropriate venues for our events in Bern.”
Ambassador Cecilia Jaber, Embassy of Mexico in Bern

Infoletter for die internationale Gemeinschaft