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Das Bild zeigt das Bundeshaus in Bern, Schweiz, während einer nächtlichen Lichtshow. Die Fassade des Gebäudes ist mit kunstvollen Projektionen beleuchtet, darunter Bilder von Giraffen und anderen Tieren, die eine lebendige und magische Szene schaffen. Eine große Menschenmenge hat sich vor dem Bundeshaus versammelt, um die beeindruckende Lichtshow zu bewundern und fotografiert die Projektionen. Die Veranstaltung findet in einer festlichen Atmosphäre statt und hebt die architektonische Schönheit des Bundeshauses hervor, indem sie es in ein lebendiges Kunstwerk verwandelt.

Rendez-vous Bundesplatz

Colourful, inspiring, creative: every year, Rendez-vous Bundesplatz (Rendezvous Parliament Square) organizes and shows an impressive audiovisual spectacular that leaves everyone in awe. This year’s edition invites us into the world of mythical forest inhabitants.


This autumn, the Parliament Building will be turned into a gigantic screen for the 13th year in a row. Rendez-vous Bundesplatz is a thirty-minute light show that is shown several times a day. Admission is free. Shows are from Tuesday to Sunday, three times a day: 7 p.m., 8 p.m., and 9 p.m. And we’ve got some good news: for the first time, Rendez-vous Bundesplatz will be realized with one hundred percent renewable energy thanks to the cooperation with “Energie Wasser Bern” (Bern’s utility company).


These are troubled times for our planet. Societal issues are a source of a lot of uncertainty and fear in many places. Escape reality for a moment at this year's Rendez-vous Bundesplatz. The journey takes us into the forest – but not just to deer, rabbits and foxes: it offers a glimpse into the world of fairies, dwarves and other mystical forest creatures. Dive into the dreamy realm of myths and fairy tales.

A cup of mulled wine in one hand and a loved one holding the other and the magic of Rendez-vous Bundesplatz will make you forget all about the late fall temperatures. Just as cozy: strolling among the festively decorated stalls of Bern’s Christmas Markets in December.