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With each infoletter, we introduce a person from the international community. Get to know the interesting personalities who enrich our federal city and find out more about their life and activities in Bern.

Zwei Frauen unterhalten sich auf einer Brücke vor einer malerischen Kulisse. Ihre entspannten, lächelnden Gesichter und die sonnige, grüne Umgebung vermitteln eine Atmosphäre der Freundschaft und Gelassenheit.

Aamir Shouket, Botschafter von Pakistan

Aamir Shouket misses the vibrant lifestyle of his homeland and wants to bring it closer to the Swiss. The Ambassador of Pakistan promotes his region, which is home to five of the world's highest peaks, as a new destination to be discovered.

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Berta Fernández-Alfaro, International Organization for Migration

Berta Fernández-Alfaro is Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Coordination Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. In 2024, IOM Bern celebrates its 30th anniversary.

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Hissa Alotaiba, United Arab Emirates

Hissa Alotaiba represents one of the most innovative countries in the world and she was the first female ambassador of her country to be posted abroad: Today she is the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Bern.

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Marjan Osvald, Universal Postal Union

In 2021, he was elected Deputy Director General of the UPU. Learn more about the second-oldest international organisation in the world and how Marjan Osvald compares Switzerland with his home country on the sunny side of the Alps.

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Andrea Bekić, Embassy of Croatia

Andrea Bekić reveals which area of Bern is named after the coastal region of Dalmatia, what connects her capital city with bears, and that a Croatian project in the field of urban mobilty could be exciting for Swiss cities.

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Michael Flügger, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany would like to travel to all the places Goethe visited in Switzerland. Read his portrait to find out which city tour has captivated him and which canton is engraved in his heart.

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Doris Frick, Embassy of Liechtenstein

Doris Frick has been Liechtenstein's Ambassador in Bern for many years and manages over 110 agreements between her country and Switzerland. Find out why she is particularly looking forward to 2023 and what she is keen to experience in Bern for a second time.

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Bill Longhurst, Embassy of Great Britain

Like a Bern local, Bill Longhurst rides his bike to work – despite the hilly streets. And speaking of "local", do you happen to know what "Guschti" means? Bill will explain it to you.

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There are more exciting portraits to come! The website is currently being finalised and you will soon be able to read more about the personalities of the international community here.