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Development of the Network

Published: 26.06.2024

The Greening Embassies Network aims to reduce the collective environmental impact of the diplomatic community in Bern. Their motto: small changes can make a big difference! The International Bern Welcome Desk talks to the Chairman of the Greening Embassies Network about the developments and challenges.

Article published in the infoletter June 2024.

Interview with His Majesty's Ambassador James Squire, Chairman of the Greening Embassies Network in the first half of 2024

The Greening Embassies Network was founded in 2018. How has the network developed since then?

James Squire: For a few years, the Network had several specialised working groups, such as the Biodiversity Working Group and Circular Economy Working Group. Since 2018, we have become a more established Network, and the UK took on the Chairmanship this January, which I am delighted about. The Network’s events and initiatives are decided upon together, under our leadership.

The Network comprises more than 20 members in Bern, and there have been a couple of new members since the founding in 2018. Under our Chairmanship, Slovenia joined as the most recent member, and we are thrilled to note that other embassies have shown interest recently.

With the extension of the network over the last few years, coupled with the complexity of transitioning to a sustainable society, we think it is important to show an array of themes, making it inclusive, so that we can engage with various elements of the challenge to full sustainability.

How has the working culture within the network developed since 2018?

In terms of our working culture, the Network has a Chairmanship system, briefly alluded to above. The Chairmanship of the Network runs for six months. The British Embassy Berne took over from Israel, and Norway will take over from us in July 2024.

The role of the Chairman is to make sure activities are planned and carried through, preferably also taking a strategic lead to discuss how to develop and expand the network, communication issues, what is demanded of members and how to develop the relationships with partners. Having the Chairmanship has brought structure but, overall, the Network remains rather informal and inclusive; embassies in Bern can express interest to join.

How has the working culture within the network developed since 2018?

This term, our focus has been on three key events. These events intend to promote different themes to understand where we can increase the collective positive environmental impact of the diplomatic community in Bern.

  • Our first event of 2024 was a visit to Bern’s Botanic Gardens, to learn more about Bern’s biodiversity space and how embassies can support.

  • Further, in March 2024, the Network visited ARA Bern (a pioneering waste water management site) on World Water Day (22nd), to find out more about how water is managed in Switzerland, the embassies’ host country, and to exchange upon the key topics of the Network. Clean water and a healthy environment cannot be taken for granted!

  • For our final event, we collaborated with the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA (Prosperity and Sustainability Division). The FDFA presented to us the Swiss approach to the UN SGDs followed by the implementation of sustainability in their global embassies network. After the presentation, each embassy shared what they are doing in Bern to practice sustainability. It was a stimulating exchange that inspired us all to continue the journey towards sustainability.

“Clean water and a healthy environment cannot be taken for granted!”
James Squire, His Majesty's Ambassador & Chairman of the Greening Embassies Network

What are some concrete examples that you have been able to implement since your chairmanship at the beginning of this year?

There are many to choose from! I will focus on a few from the British Embassy in Bern:

One example would be that we have been working on wellbeing, which expands the notion of sustainability slightly to include the human element. For instance, the British Embassy bought new plants recently, to make sure that all offices and meeting rooms had more green in them. Research has demonstrated the stress-reducing and well-being-boosting properties of plants in the workspace.

Additionally, the UK FCDO operations unit has changed supplier and the FCDO is working closely with them to integrate sustainability throughout operations, including here in Bern. With this, there is the first ever FCDO-EU 2024 Sustainability Vision: Solidify the foundation and enthusiasm that will enable a world-class sustainability programme.

To end with another concrete example: we have switched from using paper towels in bathrooms to using hand towels.

Do you work with local and/or national institutions, and if so, what are your objectives?

Yes, we work closely with the local institutions, especially those in the canton of Bern, as the scope and aims of the network are local. For example, we work closely with the City of Bern and have been in touch with them on topics such as energy saving measures and biodiversity. The meetings with the City of Bern have facilitated exchanges wherein individual embassies have reached out for further information, based on their sustainability and biodiversity needs, and they can continue to do so in the future.

Did the 2022 energy crisis increase the relevance of the Greening Embassies Network (and its activities), and if so, how?

Great question. In 2022, as part of the Network, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands organised an energy-focused event with Alec von Graffenried, the Mayor of Bern, as well as a representative of Bern City’s Department of Energy. Amongst the topics discussed was what we can do as a diplomatic community to contribute to greening our host city, including when it comes to saving energy. This event contributed to an increasing awareness around energy saving as well as the impact of our emissions on society.

If you want to know more about the network, please write to