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The photo shows a group of children and an accompanying adult exploring an interactive station in the Gäggersteg Nature Park Gantrisch.

Our Favourite Themed Trails in Bern

Published: 03.07.2024

Scent path, forest adventure trail, “KrimiSpass” (Detective fun) – looking for a fun alternative to your usual walking route? Here are our favourite themed trails in Bern for next-level walks.

For adults

For fragrance fans

Wangen an der Aare is the backdrop for a truly scent-sual walk. You begin at the train station and make your way to Air Creative, where, during opening hours, you can take a tour and learn more about smells and their effects on us people. At this first stop, you will also find instructions as well as absorbent scent sticks. And off you go! The round tour, marked with blue “Duftweg” signs, takes you through neighbourhoods, to the Oeschbach stream, past fields, along the Aare river and back to the station. Along the way, you will encounter 23 scent stations with different (wonderfully fragrant!) essential oils and their descriptions. By the way: you can also choose the Aare river as the starting point for the tour. There are leaflet boxes on either side of the historic bridge.

Please note: the information along the way is only available in German.

For art aficionados

Bern is full of art – have you ever noticed? If not, that’s where the themed walk "Kunst StadtBern Spaziergang” comes in: its goal is to make you aware of the art in your own city. Because let's be honest: when visiting a foreign place, we are usually much more aware of our surroundings than at home. To make sure you don’t miss anything, you can pick up a free brochure containing the route and other useful and interesting information at the Tourist Information in the main station. There’s a total of six different routes through the city’s neighbourhoods, from Länggasse to the Old City to Bümpliz. Bümpliz? Why not visit the western part of the city for a change! We’re keeping it in mind for our next outing – “Von Jerusalem zur Graffitimauer” (from Jersalem to the graffiti wall) does sound promising!

Please note: the brochure is only available in German.

For winter sports fans

Skiing and our professional skiers – the pride of the Swiss population. This is no coincidence. Whether at the Olympics, at the cult race in Kitzbühel or at home on the Chuenisbärgli – our heroes regularly finish in the top ranks. To honour the Schangnau ski pro Beat Feuz, there is a themed trail in Bumbach that tells the story of the career of the Emmental “ball lightning”. But this excursion is not just for real fans, as there are also active posts: for example, who can stay in a racing crouch for longer? After the approximately one-hour walk, the legendary meringues with “Nidle” (whipped cream) await hungry mouths in the Kemmeriboden pool as a reward.

Please note: the information along the way is only available in German.

For families

For adventurers of all ages

The Gäggersteg, a wooden walkway that was re-opened in 2020, takes visitors through the trees of the forest reserve by the Pfyffe, a local mountain. The impressions and beautiful landscape will give you the energy boost you need to discover the entire family-friendly, themed path. The walkway is made from local wood and stands at up to eight metres above the ground, leading visitors through the forest that was almost completely destroyed by storm Lothar in 1999. Learn how nature has been recovering on the two-hour loop hike with its eight themed stations on the topics of forest, wind, and roots, and play the game about "Wild Türst" and his goats: collect runes and find the codeword in order to receive a reward at the end.

Please note: the Gäggersteg is closed in the winter.

For inspired investigators

A highlight for older children and teenagers when visiting the charming town of Laupen is the “KrimiSpass” (Detective fun): on the two-hour scavenger hunt, amateur detectives go on an exciting adventure to solve a mysterious murder case – “armed” with nothing but a smartphone and their wits. In their roles as inspectors of the Bern Cantonal Police, they have to find clues related to the disappearance of Professor Braun. The renowned scientist was working on a revolutionary invention in Laupen but has recently disappeared without a trace. Mysterious! The “KrimiSpass” is free, so all you need to do is charge your phone’s battery and request the e-mail with the instructions for the game, and you’re good to go!

Please note: the instructions are only available in German.

For diminutive discoverers

This trail is perfect for little explorers with little stamina: the Forest Adventure Trail in Roggwil. Nobody will get bored on the short, one-kilometre loop trail, we promise! There are so many fun things to discover, such as a forest xylophone, a zipline and a large ball path. If you’re up for it and the temperature is right, you can also slip off your shoes and socks and try out the barefoot path. And if you get hungry from all the playing and exploring, there’s a pretty barbecuing spot at the starting and ending point of the trail! If you don’t feel like a picnic, the Zulauf café in Roggwil has got you covered.

Fancy grilling a Cervelat or a “Schoggi-Banane” (chocolate banana) instead of going for a walk? Then head to one of the most beautiful fire pits and BBQ areas in Bern.

For active astronauts

Switzerland’s first planet trail takes visitors from Burgdorf to Wynigen and is perfect for all fans of our solar system, no matter the age. What gave trail its name? The models of the planets, of course! On a scale of 1:1 billion, the size of the sun and the planets as well as the planets’ distance to the sun are exhibited as a large-scale open-air model over a distance of about 6 kilometres. Along the way, you will discover all the planets and accompanying informative panels as well as pretty spots for picnic breaks. We recommend the barbecuing pit on the edge of the forest behind the Binzberg farm, which you will reach after about 45 minutes. At this point, you will have already passed the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

Please note: the information along the way is only available in German.

For fable freaks

Dragons, witches, and a spectacular waterfall: the Häxewääg (Witch Path) by lake Schwarzsee captivates and motivates even the laziest little hikers. There are seven witches along the way, and you can stop and listen to the fairytales and myths they tell. They may be a bit spooky, but that makes this two-hour themed hike all the more exciting! Thanks to the goosebumps, the children will not have to be asked twice to continue the hike – the stories and riddles will push them on. And there’s a surprise waiting for them at the end: a flying dragon and a 30-metre secret waterfall hidden in the forest – a magical place. The hike around pretty lake Schwarzsee is suited for families and children of all ages and stroller-friendly.

Please note: the information along the way is only available in German and French.

For playful pathfinders

What’s the best way to explore a town? We know something better than just plain old walking around: playing as you go! “Spiel dich durch Burgdorf” is a fun visitor’s experience in the pretty town of Burgdorf in the Emmental valley. A backpack filled with games and a map can be picked up either at the tourist office or at the “Chrigu Beck” bakery, and off you go: The map takes the players to 25 stations that require skills, tactics, stamina, and fairness. Playing on a barrel, making music with marbles, or a cake game that will leave your mouth watering – “Spiel dich durch Burgdorf” is the perfect activity on an entertaining outing with kids. By the way: “Spiel dich durch” is also available in Langnau!

Please note: the information along the way is only available in German.

For general knowledge geeks

Versatile, colourful and, of course, warm and cosy: in Huttwil, Spycher Handwerk AG has honoured the all-rounder that is wool with a trail that answers all the questions there are regarding the material. And there are indeed many, many questions – for example: Where does wool come from? How is it processed? Which products can be made from it? What’s the difference between a Valais Blacknose and a Racka? And, most importantly: what does this difference feel like? On the themed trail “Wool: from Sheep to Textile”, you’ll find the answers to all of these questions, along with 25 wool samples from different breeds that you can touch. Learn everything there is to know about wool at Spycher Handwerk AG in Huttwil. On workdays, you can even watch the craftsmen at work!